Thursday 2 October 2014


Woman gets angry and disappointed when their sexual need is not met; that's because they rarely talk about it, they can even deny it if asked.

This shouldn't be allowed to degenerate into causing unnecessary quarrel in marriage. It's not sinful to talk about your sexual abilities and desire with your husband. It can solve many small issues in marriage and foster close relationship.

Next time you want more than he has given, please talk to him about it, even if it won't bring immediate change -gently though, so you don't make him feel less than a man!

During dating relationship, who bears the pain?

 During dating relationship, who bears the pain?

During dating relationship among youths, in most cases, when a girl gets pregnant before she's ready she bears the pain or consequences almost alone.

At some time, she'll cry and cry, she'll most likely drop out of school, she loses parents and family's trust and confidence, she looses her dignity & self esteem, she face the probability of not being able to pursue her dreams, she probably will live with the regret throughout her life, etc -while the boy most likely continue with his life unhindered! Unfortunately, He probably will hate the girl in the end.

More than 90% of teenage girls who become victim of unwanted pregnancy never recovers from it's effects.

Please tell the teenage girls you know who probably will soon be trying things out with boys.

Girls, be wise!